Friday fish fry: Almost every restaurant and bar that serves food has a fish fry on Friday nights. It’s attributed to Prohibition when taverns used free fish dinners to draw a crowd, then sold alcohol illegally. The huge Catholic population with their “no-meat Fridays” is also a factor.
Bratwurst: Wisconsin's soul food. A fresh German sausage, traditionally simmered in beer with onions, then grilled and topped with sauerkraut. Even the McDonalds here sell 'em.
Fried cheese curds: Small pieces of fresh cheese that squeak when you bite into them, battered and deep-fried.
Frozen custard: Made and served fresh, this stuff has a much richer taste and smoother, denser texture than ice cream. Milwaukee is considered “Custard Capital of the World.”
Montmorency cherries: Door County is famed for its tart cherry orchards. The average tree here produces enough for 28 mouth-watering pies.