After one year, one week and five days, our road trip is complete. It took that long to travel 61,592 miles and visit the 48 continental United States. Incidentally, that’s almost the same distance as traveling around the world 2½ times.
It’s unpleasant to think about, but we sucked down 5,475 gallons of gas during this time. We came close, but never ran the tank out once. The cheapest petrol we purchased was $1.25 a gallon in November 2003, and the most expensive was $2.63 in May 2004 (impressive at the time).
Run-ins with the law? We were pulled over by the state highway patrol three times: in Arizona for suspicion of harboring illegals and for speeding in North Carolina and Washington. The illegal alien rap and one of the speeding violations didn’t stick, thank goodness.
Between the two of us we suffered three wild animal bites, none with lasting ill effects. The cats evened the score by biting several wild critters themselves.